Sunday, February 23, 2014

Boss jobs - getting help

Boss jobs are a great way to convert stamina to XP. I seldom make money on them because I heal a lot. The thing I focus on are the rewards, specifically the epic drops.

Items might be common, uncommon, rare, epic, or legendary. They are cooler and better in that order. Players have reported their results, and determined how many points you need in a boss job to get 1, 2, or 3 epic items at the end of the job, called epic drops. Those point levels are called epic tiers. I generally stop at the 2nd tier, because I want to use the stam on another boss job.

There are a few things to avoid in a boss job.
One is going very far past the 3rd epic tier. Those stamina are wasted. Sometimes I kind of zone out and go way past, but you only get Xp for that, no more prizes. Another thing to avoid is a fleeing boss. If the people in the job don't finish, the boss escapes, and no one gets any drops.

Each job has a specific time limit, and a limit on the number of participants.

On the list below, you can see the time left on each job. In the first example, Doomsday, there are 9 hours left, and the job is not yet halfway finished. You can tell that by the light blue line between the time and the number of participants. That job is gonna flee.

In the jobs below that, you can see that there is a lot of time left, and they are fairly far along. You can use this information to see if the job is behind. You can do some things to get help.


When in a boss job, there is an information circle. If you tap it, you will see the information page. The first thing to notice is the boss code. You can use that to get specific friends to help you with the job. Sometimes I see them in world chat. You can join a job from BOSSES / PUBLIC, typing it into the window.

If you are the creator of the job, you can change the settings of the two switches below that. 

PUBLIC. If you make a job public, people can find it on the BOSSES / PUBLIC list. This is the largest pool of available help. But remember that if you make a job public, you can't undo that. I was working a public job once, and got a PM from a guy saying, "We can take it from here." He wanted to keep it as an empire-only job. I was nice about it - there wasn't any reason to be disagreeable. But he was trying to undo a public status on a job.

FEATURE. If you feature a job, your empire mates can see it, and can help you with it. You can use empire chat to point out to them that you need help on it, for instance.

If you join a public job, you can "call backup" - alerting your allies that you need help with a job. When I have done all that I plan to do on a public job, I always call for help. Those messages show up in NEWS, but keep in mind that sometimes those lists show different information. I might see a lot of Titans, and then look at the list again and see no Titans.

So, now you know how to tell if a job is in trouble, and how to get some help with it.

SPEED KILLS. When a job is finished, the amount of time left on the clock determines whether it's a 1-star, 2-star, or 3-star performance. 3-star performances are the fastest, and are called "Speed kills." You get an award for those. Everyone in the job does - one time. Once you've gotten an award for a speed kill on, for example, the Illuminati, you can't get that award again. You can improve your time. So you've got that going for you.

For the most part, Featured jobs (also called empire jobs) are not "speed kills." They are jobs where you try to get as many people close to the 3rd Epic Tier as possible. That is rumored to produce the best drops for all involved. Sometimes an empire decides to have a speed kill. Have some refills ready.

I don't know how fast you have to be on each job to get a speed kill. There has been some discussion about them on the forums. The wiki has times for some of the star-levels on some of the jobs.

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