Saturday, March 1, 2014

6 Quests to Do in the First Week.

The game can be a bit overwhelming to the new player. Here are a few things for the "first-week" player to focus on.
  1. Complete 25 Jobs to 100%
  2. Own 5 Property
  3. Gain 5 allies
  4. Send 5 Gifts
  5. Pay Respect 5 Days
  6. Win 25 Duel / War

There is lots more that you will need to decide about later. But the first week, you might try to do these things.

The game takes place in the context of leveling up. In order to level up, you gain XP - experience points. You get XP from using up your energy and stamina. When you level up, your energy and stamina are refilled. Also, you get 5 "Stat Points" when you level up. You may allocate them to Energy, Stamina, Attack, Defense, or Health. New Players should put their SP on Energy and Stamina until both are at 100. Note that it takes 2 SP to increase your stamina. 

Energy is converted to XP by doing "District Jobs." The first two districts are Slums and Tracks. As you complete each job to 100%, you receive another "Stat Point."

Stamina is converted to energy by fighting. At first, your only choice is "Player vs Player" or PvP battle. Later you may choose to do "Boss Jobs" instead of PvP to burn your stamina.

NOTE: All amounts of money, expressed in $, are game dollars. While you can put real money into the game, that is not discussed here. All of these quests can be completed without spending real dollars.

COMPLETE 25 JOBS to 100%

District 1 is "Slums." It contains 6 jobs. As you begin a job, you are presented with the job's requirements. You might need a certain number of a type of weapon, or a specific lieutenant ("LT"), or a car. You will use your game cash for this.

When you complete the Skull Bosses job, you can fight Alpha. A few shots will do for him. District 2 is "Tracks." It also contains 6 jobs. When you've completed these, you will have 12 done.

At that point, you should go back to District 1 and "5-star" those jobs. This means that you do each job 4 more times, giving you 5 stars for each job. When you've 5-starred the fourth job in District 1, you will reach the 25-job achievement. There is still a long and exciting road in front of you for your criminal career, but take a second to enjoy 25 jobs well done.

I recommend completing a "first pass" through District 2 before 5-starring district one because sometimes in the later districts, you will need to have more cash. The easiest way to get it is to go back and 5* a job from the previous district.

Pay special attention to two jobs: "Find Leads" in District 1, and "Shakedown" in District 2. These jobs provide the highest return of XP on Energy of any you will play. I have tapped "Find Leads" countless times to help level up.


You should start buying property as soon as you have completed the first pass through District 2. Until you get to that point, you will need your cash for Allies and for the requirements of each job. Your first Restaurant will cost $10,000, and will produce $250 per hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You will get your $10,000 back in 40 hours - less than two days.

The price for each Restaurant goes up $1,000. When you start the fifth one, it will cost $14,000. When it's finished, you'll be receiving $1,250 in cash per hour.

I don't recommend buying weapons, gear, or cars. You will get plenty of these from other sources. Use your cash to buy income-producing properties.

A note about income: your income is effectively paid in cash, that you stash in your safehouse. Another player could attack you and take some of the money in your safehouse. From time to time, you should put your money into the bank, where it is safe from attack. But in addition to that problem, you can only carry around as much cash as your safehouse can hold. There is a limit, originally $20,000, that the safehouse can hold. After your cash goes over $20,000, your properties still produce $1250 an hour, but your safehouse only adds a small fraction of that. Try not to overflow the safehouse by putting money into the bank periodically.


You can establish connections with other players, called "Allies." There are several ways to add allies. There is a blog article about it here. I recommend that you buy them. Lots of them. Don't stop at 5. Get 500 when you can. As soon as you can.

The game has two menu bars, a Top Menu Bar and a Bottom Menu Bar. ALLIES is on the bottom menu bar. If you tap it, you will see two tabs: HIRE ALLIES and YOUR ALLIES. For new players, the default tab is HIRE ALLIES. You can hire about 20 at a time, for $101 (game cash, not real dollars). For a player at level 500, hiring an ally costs $11,400,000. So, buy lots of them at this price. Hiring is not immediate, nor is it 100% successful. The other player has to view her newsfeed, see the request, and accept it. Since there is some benefit to having allies, and since they get some cash, most players will accept it. But some of them are not still playing the game. Plant more seeds than you think you will need.

The YOUR ALLIES tab shows your "Army Code." This is your ID. There are many players named John, but each one has a unique Army Code. Learn yours. People will ask you for it. That's because they can type your code into their Allies page and make that connection for free. If you see ally codes, and they are available in many places, you can use this page to connect with them. This method is immediate, and almost 100% successful. The game limits players to 1500 allies, and sometimes when you enter an army code, the person is already at that limit, and you won't be able to connect with them.


One of the good things about having allies is that they can send you gifts. Like, guns. Hand guns, rifles, cool guns. Some gifts are parts of a set, which is assembled in the Tech Lab. One of the reasons that I don't recommend buying weapons is that you can get many weapons from your friends. You'll get better weapons later, but this is just great for beginners.

Gifting, if it worked perfectly, is a process where you can gift to a person over and over. So when your allies send you gifts and you accept them, they can send you more gifts. You can send a gift to more than one ally, by using SELECT ALL while viewing a page of allies. Soon, you will have more than one page of allies. Then, you can choose another page and SELECT ALL there, too.

But be mindful, gifting doesn't work perfectly. Some players estimate that only 25% of gifts actually arrive at the intended recipient. Also, it's a good idea to wait about 15 minutes, between bouts of generosity. I usually send to a page at a time, knowing that most of them won't get the gift. It's like planting seeds. Some of them come up. Plant lots of them.


On the main page, one of the list items is REPUTATION. This shows the four FACTIONS: Cartel, Syndicate, Mafia, and Streets. Once a day, you can pay respect to one of these factions. In exchange, you receive 100 Respect Points in that cartel, and an SP specific to that faction. For example, if you choose Mafia, you get +1 Energy, and 100 Mafia Respect Points. There are 14 items that are rewarded as you pass milestones in Respect Points with Factions. That 100 for Mafia? Gets you a snazzy G19 pistol. This baby has 5 attack and 1 defense. Very nice.

There is a blog post explaining more about respect here. You can get respect points from District jobs, boss jobs, and battle. The best approach is to do one of the factions all the way to 6000 points before starting the next one. Many players start with Mafia, because they get energy, or Dragon Syndicate, because they get attack. Note that Cartel give Stamina, but it gives you 200 respect points, and you have to wait two days to pay respect again.  Collect the whole set!


PvP is a necessary evil. When you start the game, you can't do Boss Jobs. PvP is the only way to convert Stamina into XP. There are two kinds of player-vs-player fights: Duel and War.

Tap STAMINA on the Top Menu, then choose BATTLE LIST. You will see a list of people you can fight with. You can see some good information about these potential opponents: Their name, level, battle rank, number of allies, and the empire they are in. Players generally don't join empires until they reach level 9, but with an invitation you can get in during your first few minutes.

If you tap their icon (technically, the avatar of the LT in the right hand seat of the inner circle), you can see their profile. One reason you might do this is to see if they are your ally. Some players don't hit allies. There isn't a strong moral issue here. It's a game, no one gets hurt, and if you aren't quick to start your fight, your guy may be put in the hospital by someone else. They are on the Battle List, "somebody gone hit them."

You have two goals in PvP: to use up your stam, and to get Battle Points. As you gather Battle Points, you increase your Battle Rank. The number of Battle Points (BP) you get depends on two things: the relationship between your Battle Rank (BR) and hers; and whether you win or lose. You get more BP by fighting people who have a higher BR than you do.

If you're a beginner, and you've been following the ideas above, you'll have more allies than most of the players at your level. What you're looking for is someone who has a BR higher than yours, but only 1/3 of the number of allies that you have. Then you tap WAR with them and you take the fight to them. If you lose, pick another opponent. If you win, keep it up until you execute them. In order to explain why I advise using WAR, let me explain the difference in how DUEL and WAR work.

In duel, your resources are your best weapons, gear, and vehicle (as chosen by the game), and your attack and defense, and the strength of your seated LT's. Your opponents are chosen likewise. If you are putting your SP into Energy and Stam, and she isn't, you will lose the fight.

In war, your resources are your attack and defense - multiplied by the number of allies you have. If you have 100 allies, you will go to war with 100 times your attack and defense. If the opponent has no allies, you're bringing a lot of extra pop, right? In addition, you get the strength of your seated LT's, and you get to provide the power of your weapons, gear, and vehicles for your allies. That G19 you got? It's in there. All those gifts that you got from your allies? If you have 100 allies, and 25 guns, you will get to use those 25 guns. These things add up.

If you accumulate 100 battle points, you level up to BR1, and you get 5 SP. At 250, you reach BR2, and get 5 more SP. At 450 you are a BR3 Thug, and get Brass Knuckles. You can buy Brass Knuckles on the Weapons page after that, but I still think you should use your money for properties. At 700 BP, you reach BR4, and that's a "safe level." See, when you aren't battling, other guys are still battling away, and they'll find your name on the Battle List, and they'll Duel you and win. You will lose BP. If you're at level 3, with 475 BP, and people hit you and you lose 50, you'd be down to 425 and you'd be a BR2. Most players like to keep their gains, so look for "safe levels." They are 4, 7, 10 and every 3rd one after that (except the top one).


If you followed this advice in the first week, you'd be well on you way to mastering the basics of UWE. And you would be rewarded.
  1. Complete 25 Jobs to 100% - 5 FP
  2. Own 5 Property - 1 FP
  3. Gain 5 allies - 1 FP (you can get 2 more at 50)
  4. Send 5 Gifts - 1 FP (you get 2 more at 25 and 3 more at 100)
  5. Pay Respect 5 Days - 1 FP
  6. Win 25 Duel / War - 1 FP (wars and duels are two separate awards - get both!)
That's 10 Favor Points, not bad. Plus, you'll be growing your toon. Soon, you can start deciding about empires, classes, build types, and much more. For starters, just do these six things, and you'll have a fine first week.

Some players do this the first day.

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